Seafarers' Identity Document (SID)
In accordance with the Convention, SID is a two-sided card that includes a digital photograph, biometric data, signature and personal information (full name, date and place of birth, citizenship and so on) of the holder, as well as, the other information that is presented in a restricted list found in Annex I of the Convention.
Unlike the mariners’ passports, SID is not required to contain information about the position held on a vessel. At the same time, a document confirming the work place of the mariner shall be issued by the state whose flag the ship operates under in compliance with the Seamen’s Articles of Agreement, ILO Convention No. 22. To fulfill this requirement, it is currently planned that Certificates of Identification will be issued along with the SID. The form of the Certificate of Identification is now being developed by the Department of Transportation of the Russian Federation together with the ship owners and mariners’ labor unions.
In accordance with the Convention, SID is not considered a passport and shall be accompanied with a passport should a mariner enter or transit via a foreign country. This is why a Russian mariner will have to have a traveling passport in addition to a SID. Since the Convention has come into effect, some countries already require the mariners (including Russian mariners) to have traveling passports in addition to the SID (mariners’ passports) while entering, departing and transiting via their territory.
Below is the general view of the SID (personal data is hidden):