Biometrical technologies
Biometrics is the set of the automated methods and means of identification, based on a person’s physiological or behavioral characteristics. At the present time, the following biometric technologies were approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization:
- photo recognition
- fingerprint recognition
- retinal recognition
- facial recognition
To date, the application of fingerprint recognition to authenticate identification and travel documents has been used by the System. Fingerprint recognition is the most widespread method of biometric identification. The method is based on recognizing the unique fingerprint of each person. The picture of the fingerprint, obtained with a special scanner, is converted into digital code and is compared to the previously added pattern or patterns.
Thanks to the significant experience of working with fingerprints, a huge amount of collected fingerprint data and relatively inexpensive scanners, this method is widely utilized and is recommended for use while designing biometric passports and other biometric documents.
Thin-client technology
This method is built upon creating automated end-user work places based on thin-client technology, which allows a user to obtain economical and technological advantages, in addition to dramatically increasing the degree of system safety. The main advantages of a system built upon this technology are:
- central administration
- high reliability
- low total cost of ownership
- high efficiency for executing applications provided by a central server
As a whole this allows the user to move towards the new stage on the way to developing more economical and safe computing environments.
In the suggested architecture, all computation loads are concentrated on one or several servers, while network clients are used only to display graphic session slide shows and to transfer information entered to the server by the end-users. Neither operating system nor software is installed on the network client system which reduces the overall software expenses. Thus, the use of this technology lowers expenses within the users’ work place without losing functional sufficiency.
Building Data Processing Centers Technology
The technology of building data processing centers (DPC) is used for building a pilot area System model. This technology allows a reduction in operational personnel and service expenses by concentrating computer power.
The important feature of the DPC organization is the possibility to isolate the work of applications from one another and a dynamic redistribution of resources between them, as well as a DPC fault tolerance upgrade. The solution for this problem is the technology of virtualization.
Providing high-quality DPC resources to the end-users is the critical mission of the centralized IT environment. Technical aspects of providing accessibility to the DPC resource include: highly dependable technological computing facilities and communications, use of virtual machine technologies, high accessibility clusters, special control tools and maintenance including:
- high accessibility for single systems and clusters implementation
- single control point for the system and development tracking
- maintenance support in the event of computing system entry failure
- use of virtual machine technology and error isolation within its limits
- perfect service
- transparent input-output fault management
- guaranteed readiness level support
Open Source Technologies
In the first place we mean technologies such as Java, CORBA, open source software, etc. This approach allows the end-user to achieve an ultimate system independence from the suppliers of the system software and hardware. In other words, a system that is based on the principles that allow the maximized use of various hardware, operating systems, etc.; thus, dependence on hardware and system software vendors is irrelevant.
The most important characteristic is the dependability of the system. It is widely known that dependability is attained while a project is being designed and cannot be «added» after completion. The most important principle of a «dependable design» is system openness. When creating automation systems dependability is shown in the following aspects:
- the use of international open standards and specifications
- the use of extensible source code software tools
- the use of extensible standards and specifications in the design provides the following advantages
- the use of worldwide practiced and proved reenterable technical solutions
- independence from specific manufacturers providing the possibility of integrating components, produced by various domestic / international companies or designed in-house, into the system
- the opportunity for the «painless» widening of components and system functions with the maximum possible preservation of the available software and hardware backlogs
The essential stage of creating systems necessary for safety and their separate entries is the use of verification confirming software that meets set requirements. But, it is impossible to conduct detailed analysis of the software and to confirm the functional specification correspondence without having the original software code. Testing software as «black box» does not solve the problem since software testing can be used to prove errors, but it cannot be used to prove the lack of them. Therefore, by customizing your business on a completely different level with software that uses extensible original code, it increases your system dependability as far back as the design-time.